Criminal Solicitors Yorkshire

criminal solicitors yorkshire - sj law complaints


If your not happy - talk to us..... if you can.

Your relationship with your Solicitor should be built on trust & openness.  We want you to be able to talk to your solicitor frankly & honestly about your case.  There are some issues (and these are likely to be minor issues) that might be resolved by a simple phone call or a meeting with your lawyer.

I appreciate that this may not always be the case and if you are not comfortable speaking to your lawyer about the issue, you can ask to speak to their supervisor or you can contact me directly. 

Vijesh Saujani

How to make a complaint

So there is no confusion, I prefer complaints to be sent in writing.  I realise that when you are not happy about something, it is difficult to express your feelings in a detailed letter and that not all people will be comfortable in drafting a detailed letter.  If you prefer, you can telephone your complaint and I will make a note of the issues that you are unhappy about.

What to expect

  • Within 7 days of receiving your complaint, I will write to you with what I understand your complaint to be.  If you believe that I have not understood your complaint, please contact me straight away so that the basis of the complaint can be agreed.

  • Once the basis of the complaint is agreed, I will conduct a full review of your file and ask the person in respect of whom the complaint is about to provide an account in response.   This will be done within twenty-eight days.

  • Following this, I will prepare a report of my findings & send this to you by email or post within 42 days of your original complaint.  My aim is to be as fair and balanced as possible.

If I agree with you

Should I find that your complaint is justified and the service that you have been given has fallen below the standard we normally expect, I will provide propositions for a resolution. 

The Legal Ombudsman

If after investigation, you are unhappy with my findings or my proposals, you are entitled to contact the Legal Ombudsman and ask them to investigate your complaint further. 

Time Limits

The Legal Ombudsman asks that you report to them as soon as you can and in any event within 6 months of your last contact with us. Ordinarily, you must make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman within a year of the matter giving rise to the complaint or a year from when you should reasonably have known there was cause for complaint without taking advice from a third party, whichever is later. The Legal Ombudsman can increase any time limit in exceptional circumstances. 

Contacting The Legal Ombudsman

The Legal Ombudsman can be contacted by:

• calling them on 03005550333

• visiting the


• emailing them at